Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in /home/carquefo/www/weather28/wsLangFunctions.php on line 115

Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in /home/carquefo/www/weather28/wsLangFunctions.php on line 115
Précipitations - Carquefoumeteo
Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /home/carquefo/www/weather28/scriptsWD/tagsWD.php on line 282

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /home/carquefo/www/weather28/scriptsWD/tagsWD.php on line 283

Notice: Undefined index: wuKey in /home/carquefo/www/weather28/wuforecast/wualmanac.php on line 27

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Vous trouverez notre info météo Également à:


Weather Underground


Precipitation forecasts

Click on the image for extra information

Meteox -3 uur W-Europe

Cliquez sur l'image pour le site meteox avec beaucoup d'informations supplémentaires

Meteox -3 hours W-Europe

Buienradar - 3 uur Nederalnd

Click on image for the buienradar site with a lot of extra information

3 hours Benelux

Équipement que nous utilisons:

Station de Météo
Davis VP2

Programme Météo
Weather Display

Davis VP2

Weather Display